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Risk of heart disease from Diabetes
Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease by four to five times as compared to a non-diabetic person. Hence apart from blood sugar control diabetics also need to pay close attention to controlling their blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
When do we consult a Nutritionist & Dietitian
You’re overweight but healthy.
If you’re technically overweight, but your physician says you’re healthy, the question is: How do you feel about yourself? If you’re happy with the way you look and feel, then don’t call a dietitian. But if you’re not happy with your image in the mirror, consider calling someone who can help you lose weight in a healthy manner.
Why fad diets don’t work……..
Maintaining a healthy body and mind requires proper nutrition and healthy weight. In our quest to reduce the excess weight that we have accumulated over time, we indulge in fancy foods and fad diets.
Fad diets reduce weight on a short term basis, which come back after we stop the fad diets and with side effects.
OA occurs when the cartilage which fills the spaces between the bones and cushions the bones as they move, wears down. The cartilage can wear away due to daily normal use and overuse. The ends of the bones begin to rub against each other and often develop spurs and cysts. In addition, the tissue that
Managing Kids weight
As parents of growing kids we all are constantly worried about the health and well- being of our toddlers or growing kids till they listen to us and we can still influence their food choices. But the current facts and figures from WHO are worrisome and reflect that we are not able to do a good job at that, with alarming increases in Overweight and obese children.
Childhood obesity: a start to future diseases
Growing up in a traditional Indian setup, I am aware of how obsessed we are about healthy-looking babies. But there’s a fine line of difference between ‘healthy’ and ‘healthy-looking’, especially from an Indian perspective. For the longest time most people have associated excessive weight with good health. And as a result, the contents of the diets of children and teens go unchecked.
Cooking Oils: A complete guide for healthy cooking
The term, “Fatty Acids” are components that oils or fats are made up of. The three main types of fatty acids are Saturated Fatty Acids (SUFA), Mono-unsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA) and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA).
Gallstones are small stones, usually made of cholesterol, that form in the gallbladder. In most cases they don’t cause any symptoms and don’t need to be treated.
High Blood Pressure
Hypertension, or an abnormally high blood pressure, is almost as common as common cold in the present times. However, this abundance is not the worst manifestation of this medical condition. It is rather the fact that it comes and stays without prior warnings, which means there are no specific symptoms to signal its presence. It is a long term medical condition and one can be affected for years without having the knowledge of it.
Diabetes a Frighteningly Familiar Ailment
With over 67 million of the population of India alone being diagnosed with diabetes and around 66% Indian children having abnormal blood sugar levels, does Diabetes mellitus or Madhumeham, as called in India, like the common cold, now need to be christened the common diabetes? As far as this country is concerned, it is fast becoming the next big epidemic of our times.