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Healthy New year’s resolutions, 2023
With the new year approaching, many of us make resolutions to improve our general health and well-being. One of the most popular resolutions is to improve our eating habits. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, preventing chronic diseases, and feeling our best. Here are some tips to help you
Postpartum Depression-Symptoms & Dietary Guidelines
Postpartum depression (PPD) is a depression that can occur in the weeks or months after childbirth. It is a serious and common condition that affects many new mothers, and it can have a significant impact on their mental health and well-being. PPD is believed to be caused by many physical, emotional, and social factors. It
Magnesium rich foods: Should be included in your diet?
Magnesium is a major mineral, meaning higher amounts are needed compared to trace minerals, like zinc or iron. Magnesium plays many crucial roles such as supporting muscle, nerve function, energy production, maintaining healthy bones and a healthy heart.
Asthma – Causes, symptoms and dietary guidelines
Asthma is a common disease worldwide. It affects approximately 26 million persons in the United States. Asthma is a lung disease that can cause breathing problems during someone’s lifetime. An individual with asthma has a little swelling or inflammation inside the airways, with or without symptoms. What happens when you have asthma? A healthy airway
Dietary tips and remedies for constipation in kids
Constipation is a very common problem among kids. It is a condition characterized by an infrequent bowel movement, typically fewer than thrice a week. Constipation causes stool to become hard and dry, which causes children to face difficulties during their bowel movements.
Stress and Diabetes Mellitus
Stress can raise Diabetes Mellitus and make it harder to regulate them. When you have Type 2 diabetes, any kind of stress can cause changes in your blood sugar levels, Mental Stress, like worrying about work or family. It is essential to keep in mind that people’s minds and bodies may react to the same stressor differently. What you eat has a significant effect on your overall stress levels. So, it will be better to have healthy nutritious food daily.
Osteoporosis – Silent Killer
“Silent Killer” – Osteoporosis ‘Osteoporosis’ means porous and brittle bones, a disease that weakens bones where an individual is more prone for unexpected fractures. The most common symptoms are pain. About 200 million people are most likely to have osteoporosis throughout the world. The disease occurs in both the sexes: Male & Female. It is
Follicular phase Balls (Seed Cycle)
Homemade Vegan seed cycling follicular phase energy balls helps to balance your hormones for a healthy menstrual cycle. A delicious easy to make energy balls to follow the seed cycle routine.
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): What is it? And how to manage it?
Obesity is linked with a host of diseases that affect people all around. One such disease is Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, commonly known as NAFLD, which, according to estimates, affects people all around the globe. In the US alone, one in every four people suffers from NAFLD. A build-up of fat in the liver over time characterizes NAFLD, which is often symptomless and, therefore, very hard to detect.
Seed Cycling for hormonal balance
“If you are experiencing problems like Irregular Menstrual Cycle, PMS, Heavy Bleeds, then this Article is surely for You” What is a Seed Cycle? Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the major endocrinopathy among reproductive-aged women, is not yet perceived as an important health problem in the world. It affects 4%–20% of women of reproductive age worldwide.